Notes from Nobody

There were dark grey clouds blanketing the sky, looking just right for a thunderstorm. Beyond the hill which I stood on, there was a faint silhouette in the distance. As I crept downhill and closer to the figure, I made out some sort of building. I kept moving, but heard a strike of thunder land behind me, raising EVERY. SINGLE. Hair on my body. Now I was jogging while thunder cracked openly in the air, making a more violent, threatening sound every time. The building was a ghastly black (more black than your darkest dreams), vintage school with a giant dusty red bell at the top of the main doors, looking as if it had been unused for decades. Obviously, most of the building looked like that. The doors had a crack in them, but it was more natural with rugged edges, so I assumed a tornado or some lightning had hit the school (which didn't help my situation). As I crept closer, the grass started getting crinkly under my feet, turning a sickish grey color. At one point, there was...