About Me

I’m a student, a swimmer, and love food. I love music and I can’t resist keeping my hands away from a good book. Traveling and collecting memories are two of my favorite hobbies, and every where I go, and everyone I meet is a connection forever. I’ve been to more than 10 countries and 16 states and have keychains from all the places I’ve been in those countries/states! My name is Deea Gandotra, I'm 15 years old and I live in SoCal. I have a small dog named Bushy and don't know what I would do without him. My little sister is my best friend, and she's a really important person in my life :)

MORE ABOUT ME: I love boba and making mac and cheese, one of my favorite foods! Besides writing, I love spending time with my friends, or taking pics on my camera, or binging Gilmore Girls and Grey’s Anatomy. I’ve been a Percy Jackson stan all my life and Rick Riordan never fails to amaze me with the vivid stories he paints with his words. Going into junior year though, I haven’t had a lot of time to get my hands on a book recently. Politics and current is another thing I’m super passionate about, and I love to keep myself in the know with what’s going on, and be as educated and informed as possible in my knowledge and opinions on what’s going on around the world.

To add more, I’m so thankful to my parents who have never left my side, and all the teachers I’ve had over the years, from preschool to sophomore year, as well as all my teachers that have guided me outside of school that I’ve had in the past, but especially to my writing coach Mrs. Namrata Shailendra. They have brought me so far and I am so grateful to have had them. I’m thankful to those people because they have guided me and given me the knowledge I’ve needed to progress over the past years.

My Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/zlhw6efh61bye7gc64kue677i


"To be or not to be, that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing end them" - Hamlet

Hamlet was a play (tragedy) written by Shakespeare and this paragraph is probably the most famous of his entire play... "To be or not to be," is a statement with such a vast meaning and is also a line that testifies how challenging the human life is and whether we should live or die, and whether we should be brave or not? Essentially, the question goes down to the fact that living is not easy and living is an act of bravery amidst the high tide of life ordeals and tribulations.

In a similar way, "To D or not to D" is in my case because the bottom line goes down to this: the D can go for daring, dazzling, dreamy, diligent, determined, and so much more. Do I want to be daring and dazzling? Should I be diligent and determined? These D's are maybe the most important qualities that I could have in my life but then in the end, the biggest D will always be Deea, me!


  1. Beautiful write up Deea. Kepep writing more. I am already your fan

  2. I LOVE Rick Riordan too.

  3. Beautiful write-up sweetheart �� waiting for more ❤

  4. Wowowow this is about as unique and well-written as an About me can get


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