One Door Leads to Another

One door always leads to another... Journal Entry 2; October 2 PERSON 2 Twinkles flashed in the bleak, black midnight sky, illuminating the world above. I sat on my balcony, thinking wistfully- wishing I hadn't been stuck in this palace. A gown adorned my body, hugging my curves in all the right places; it was pearl white, with delicate flower embroidery lining the bottom of the flowy skirt, gliding gracefully whenever I walked. It was the most captivating, stunning garment I had ever laid my eyes on. If only I had been wearing it under different circumstances. Image courtesy- Pexels Suddenly, I went stiff and felt an overwhelming sensation, feeling the weight of the world being mercilessly thrown at me. My heart hurt and my face became wet with streams of tears flowing down my cheeks. No one in the world could help me, and it didn't feel like anyone cared either. I was kidnapped... thrown and imprisoned in a room of a palace I loathed. Starved for days because I refused a mar...