The Error of Giftedness

Image Courtesy- Pintrest ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey there Diary, How have you been doing, sitting on the corner of my desk? Actually, screw that question because it's kind of lame. But... instead, I hope you are prepared to hear or really feel the words that I am going to write today. I know you won't judge what I will write 😊. I am going to spill it and not ramble on about something else. It's about what other people think. Now, I know you might tell me that I shouldn't care about what other people think or say or even do! But it really does matter in the end because those are the people who will be there with me in the future, don't you think? I'm in APAAS if you remember me telling/writing this to you a few months ago. Turns out, it isn't as great as I thought it would be. People say that I'm an APAAS freak or I'm too smar...