Dear Diary
Dear Diary, I don’t really know where to start. Today was one of those days where the academic grind mentality just did not hit. Instead, I think the world might explode and end, because I just don’t know what I’m doing with my life right now. I went to my first meeting with a college counselor- she’s going to help me get into college- and it just feels like all the weight in the world is going to get thrown at me. One by one, my list of programs to apply to, books to write, business ideas to work on, it just grows and grows and I want it to stop. Everywhere I look, there’s people that are doing insanely incredible things: internships at large firms, starting not one, but TWO non profit organizations, volunteering or partnering with a major business. When I started high school two years ago, I knew that I would have to work and always be on the grind, but I’m so stuck now. It feels like college is just a fingertip out of reach, and I’m stuck suspended in the air, trying to ...