The World Is Ending...

The world is ending...

Image courtesy- Pixabay

I make mistakes, and I'm not always happy. So sometimes, I close my eyes, to render myself an opportunity to experience a joyous moment once in a while; to reminisce past experiences that have been strung through my heart, and manifest what I want my future to look like one day. The world is ending now, though, and with this knowledge, I want to say sorry to my past self and to everyone I've disregarded. Because a connection isn't deep unless it's meant to be, and there are ways I have shown that I don't care. 

Knowing when I'll die frightens me, because no matter how normalized this concept of mortality and the "circle of life" is, I know one day I'll be gone, and no one will remember me. I know that one day, I will lose myself in a dark void, and I'll no longer know those I love. It frightens me that the years that have been lost and used to build these relationships will all just disappear in the blink of an eye. 

But in the meantime and at the same time, I bid not farewell to everyone, but a hello, because I'll see you once again... on another side of this complex universe. The one that has come to be known as our home. As Jane Goodall** said, "The beauty of our planet is not dead but lying dormant, like the seeds of a dead tree. We shall have another chance." Only a fragment of her imagination reflects the wisdom she's attained over the years, and in doing so, I think that Jame Goodall has educated me, and enlightened me about my perception in ways I didn't comprehend. To continue, I think that everyone's panorama is different, and I wouldn't challenge the way they view the end of the world. For me though, an apology to those near and far is a validation of my morals, and in a time when the world will disappear, they deserve this testimony. 

In my final words, I hope this letter finds four people before this world perishes: my family and my best friend. It's because, throughout the years, I've been reassured that death is all-natural, that it comes full circle, and is something I shouldn't waste my precious minutes worrying about. But, I've come to see that when the world is ending, it is something to gnaw at, because forever is gone now, and only memories stay. And lastly, to my best friend: because we're dying today, and the world is at its last straw, I want to convey thanks. For being my other half. For being there, even if it's 427 miles away. The world is ending, and I want you to know that our relationship is forever after we say goodbye.

The world is ending, and I wish you all luck on your way, as you tread down this final path. The world is ending, I'll see you all on another fateful day. 


  1. 4 people... heartbroken bro


  3. the world is ending...I would spend it with enzy (my bf, the loml <33)

  4. Kaylee the cool german french french canadian and 100% asianMay 10, 2022 at 10:06 PM

    I would simp over joaquins jawlines and how milton is so sweet!

    1. only man i simp for is kyle and I’d be with him

  5. The world is ending, and I just need more time to simp over hot guys, even though everyone tells me they're not even close to mid, but they're just so hot im dreaming about them

  6. okay first off, i love this piece so much; the whole concept of it is amazing. i know death can be a very difficult thing to process, and i think it's something that a lot of us struggle with. your writing just keeps getting better each time you post, it's actually insane. second, the last few sentences; U WILL NOT MAKE ME CRY OVER A BLOG POST, DEEA. i love you to the moon and back *even if it's from 427 miles away*, and thank YOU for being MY other half.

    aarya 💗



  7. The world is ending and I'm apparently with deea cus she dedicated this to her oThEr bEsT fRiEnD

  8. This passage is brilliantly written; I enjoy this very abstract and big-pictures of yours. But... we can always try to mitigate (a contributor of the world's demise). But life is meant to decay...

    Best, James Edward Carroll III

    1. Thank you so much... "life is meant to decay..." < poetically said


  9. during the end of the world I would commit genocide against frog haters and I’d take their kneecaps and spinal cords and sell them

    also good writing but ur racist for not putting our bestie girl group stop Asian hate and white hate too

  10. The world is ending and I want to spend it all with my precious boyfriend, ---

  11. The world is ending and I’m with my side chick Vijay. :)

  12. The world is ending whcih means outdoorsiness would not be a thing anymore,s o we much help end the world faster to get outdoorsiness to dissappear faster (yea i cant spell)

  13. Naavya ( Deea’s sister)May 11, 2022 at 2:06 PM

    Beautifully written. If world was ending I’d spend it with you aka my sister cuz she is by bestest best best best friend ever! WHEN WILL U PUBLISH THE HORROR SERIES AND THE “ ONE DOOR ALWAYS LEADS TO ANOTHER” THING???!!!!!!

  14. Naavya ( Deea’s Sister”May 11, 2022 at 2:10 PM

    FYI AMD BTW you made me cry and I will love care and be there for always. I can say this in person but the whole world needs to know hat this blog writer is worth spending time with it the world was ending or not. ILYSMMMMMMMMMM SIS


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